WanderWeib – Medien-Kit English

[Deutsch] [English] [日本語]

Hey there!

Hey, I am Tessa. Born in Germany and currently a resident of Japan.

Since 2015 I’ve been working as a travel journalist and I run the popular travel website WanderWeib. Over the years, my website has grown, reaching 5.4 million page views in 2019. Sadly, with the corona pandemic, the following years saw a reduction in traffic which is now recovering.

I’ve worked with various partnerships over the years, including Japanese Tourist Organization (intoducing famous spots), Newspapers (Japan-Ambassador), Radio and more.


WanderWeib goal is to deliver compact, up to date information on traveling and living in Japan, first-hand from Japan. WanderWeib is sorted in four sections:

  • Advices for Japan travel planning (Reise-Planung)
  • Advises for Japan-Visits (Japan-Tipps)
  • Advices for Japan sightseeing spots and festivals for the mayor sities (Erleben-Tipps)
  • Advices for hiking in Japan (Wandern)

Every month I publish four new articles and four old one will be updated that all the information will be up to date.


  • Visits each day: 10.500-20.500
  • Visits each month: > 350.000
  • Page per visit: 1.8
  • Time on Page: 4:27 (Min., Sec)
  • Articles: 689
  • Comments: 14650
  • Newsletter-Emails: 1647


  • Facebook-Likes: 4666
  • Facebook-Group: 7658
  • Twitter-Follower: 1121
  • Instagram-Follower: 4620

(Date: 10.September.2024)

WanderWeib Cooperations



  • 2020 Magazine – 2020 „Auf dem Web nach Tokio“ – page 120-121 (24.07.2019)
  • Faktenkondor – Bloggerindex – 8th place of the famous german travel Websites  (21.08.2019)


  • Off the Path – Was ist für dich Japan? (What is Japan for you?) – 8.1.2018 (20 Min podcast)
  • BR -Radioreisen – Unterwegs mit Japan-Bloggerin “Wanderweib” (Together with Tessa in Japan) – 11.02.2018 at 1:05 pm (Podcast: 14:06 – 26:54)
  • Ö1 Radio – Tessas Japan-Blog “Wanderweib” – Origami, Bonsai, Ikebana und Shibari. (09.05.2018)
  • TCVB (Japanese Tourist Organization)


I look forward to connectiong!

  • Email: Kontakt [AT] wanderweib.de
  • Homepage: https://wanderweib.de

Best Wishes

Tessa-Karina Inoue